amorphous phosphates in urine

amorphous phosphates in urine. Photos tagged with urine
  • Photos tagged with urine

  • andiwm2003
    Jan 10, 05:49 PM
    well, i'm just about to buy a Jetta Sportwagon Diesel. This model wasn't updated but still remains the only station wagon with decent space, price and gas mileage in the USA. I would go for a Passat but it's too big for our driveway and no Diesel Wagon available.

    The car market here just plain sucks. There are not many useful models available. Mostly gas guzzling garbage or expensive luxury trash SUV's. Well each people gets the cars that they deserve..........

    amorphous phosphates in urine. Photos tagged with urine
  • Photos tagged with urine

  • vi2867
    Nov 1, 02:03 PM
    If I get the new iPod Shuffle 2G with old headphones, i'm sending it right back. That is one of the reasons I bought the Shuffle. Instead of spending $29 for some headphones I spent $50 dollars more and got a shuffle...:(

    amorphous phosphates in urine. urine strip vial label
  • urine strip vial label

  • snberk103
    Nov 21, 11:20 AM
    This is not at all strange to anyone who knows the basic business model of TJ Maxx. They buy odd overstock lots of goods, mostly clothes, so they can sell them at a deep discount.

    With the rollout of the iPad to numerous new retailers, there were, by extension, numerous opportunities for someone to get overstock. Perhaps Verizon mis-estimated the popularity of the iPad bundled with the My-Fi. Perhaps Target guessed that people would prefer the 16 GB version when in fact the 32 and 64 were more popular. Perhaps someone simply needed to reduce orders to solve a cash flow problem.

    In any case, once this happened, TJ Maxx did what they exist to do - stepped in and offered to buy the overstock at a discount so they could sell up. There's no controversy or mystery here - it's just that TJ Maxx managed to land a particularly good lot of stock.

    (To clarify, I suspect that whatever retailer sold their stock to TJ Maxx did so at a loss. Did this violate their agreement with Apple? I'd be surprised if it did - there's surely a clause in most of the MAP contracts to deal with clearance/closeout pricing. Indeed, Amazon routinely undersells MAP - the only rule is they can't advertise those prices, so they require you to put the item in the cart to view the price. I assume that whatever retailer sold off their stock did not advertise, and instead contacted TJ Maxx, who I imagine they're used to doing business with, and came to an agreement to liquidate inventory.)

    I agree with everything said here, except, I don't think it was big chain store with a continuing relationship with Apple. A company that wants to continue being an Apple Authorized Reseller wouldn't risk being cut off just to unload some overstocked iPads.

    I'll bet it came from a bankrupt small or medium sized chain of stores. Perhaps a chain that only carried Apple stuff as a side line. In anycase, somebody who doesn't care if they p*ss off Apple, and get black-balled.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. of a found rat s urine
  • of a found rat s urine

  • ezekielrage_99
    Mar 21, 06:06 PM
    8) Other artists. They always have pre-defined notions are are rarely up for up for interpretation
    9) Design by committee. When there is more then 2 or 3 people approving your design, RUN.

    Ahhh yes.. I forgot about those two chestnuts :)

    Marketing departments also seem to have the same affect on me as other artists, they have an idea and generally wont let it go... They seem to pop in awesome critiques like:
    make it more webbish
    We are looking for a great design, it will bring much honor and prosperity to our beloved company. (yes from a non English speaking client)

    While design committee = death by firing squad


    amorphous phosphates in urine. excreted in the urine.
  • excreted in the urine.

  • wmmk
    Oct 26, 03:39 PM
    .mac is in need of a major upgrade

    This is a good start
    very true. still, if gmail cleaned up the interface, added WebDAV support, made a nice homepage to access all google services, i'd totally stop thinking about the possibility of .mac.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. Pressure diuresis (urine)
  • Pressure diuresis (urine)

  • gkhaldi
    Oct 1, 02:12 AM
    Finally. I was waiting on this news since 2004 !!

    Looking forward to see the new version(s)


    amorphous phosphates in urine. as a “urine diversion,” or
  • as a “urine diversion,” or

  • barnaby
    Nov 29, 11:41 PM
    You don't speak for the rest of us, and the studios aren't interested in what you have to say because they're not making any money off you.

    The entertainment industry "earns" it's money. Seeing a movie is one of the cheapest "nights out" you can find. If it wasn't entertaining, people wouldn't go. You get bad movies every now and then, but the good ones more than make up for it.

    As far as putting limitations on digital content, that's their right. It is _their_ content. If they make the wrong decision, they'll come around when someone smarter makes the right one.

    We're in the process right now of figuring out DRM. The problem is, copying any digital media doesn't remove detract from the original. There is no incentive to be fair. DRM puts incentive, mainly convenience, in being fair.
    When it matures, it will be convenient to consumers and inconvenient to pirates.

    The cries of the entertainment industry fall on pretty deaf ears in my house.

    Yes, I understand that Universal, Disney, et al, are businesses and survive by making money, but let's not loose sight of one very important fact:

    It's entertainment. It is not necessary to the functioning of our country, culture, or lives.

    Food is. But look how little farmers get paid.

    Medical care is. But look how so much of the money we (or insurance companies on our behalf) pay actually goes to a facilities' or a doctor's malpractice insurance, not to them.

    Education is. But look how poorly-prioritized education is in this country.

    Work experience is, as a function of how it impacts one's ability to function competently and thereby either retain a job or to acquire a better one. But it's treated just as poorly as education.

    Entertainment is NOT. As a consequence, I don't plan for, nor do I budget for, any kind of entertainment concern.

    IF, and ONLY IF, there's a movie out that I really want to see, will I go to the theater to see it. And on average I probably go to a theater once a year.

    The very notion of licensing when it comes to anything other than a business deal or proposition is disgusting to me. I am not against the principle of intellectual property, but I abhor how the concept is realized in our society.

    I own probably something like 10 movies' worth of DVDs, and maybe 5 TV series' worth of DVDs. I think the last DVD I bought was The Incredibles, and that was to show my support for something I found to be superbly entertaining, and have watched multiple times.

    Most of the movies that I've acquired by "other means" I've pitched after watching them because, upwards of 80% of those instances of acquisition were instances of the acquisition of crap. So regardless of whatever legal status those materials may have been presumed to possess by others, I no longer have them because, for free or for a fee, I don't want 'em.

    The number of times I feel like Bartleby The Scrivener (that is, the character Bartleby) on a regular basis is increasing, and that's due to the fact that I perceive society to be further and further askew from what I personally accept or agree with.

    And speaking of HDCP and other DRM, DMCA, etc...

    I refuse to accept any of that. I also refuse to accept that I'm either going to have to buy some sort of an adaptor, or buy a new TV, just for the "pleasure" of (what is for me) the infrequent habit of actually watching TV. Yes, I fully realize that means that, at some point, I'll turn on the TV and all I'll get is snow because there are no longer any broadcast standards that my living room TV is compatible with. And you know what I'll do when that day comes? I'll go ahead and cancel my minimum-basic-TV (approx. $13/month) service, leaving only cable modem service. I'm absolutely serious about this.

    Perhaps if more people were like me, we could affect some kind of change in the broadcast industry and in Hollywierd, but any kind of "coming together for common good over common consensus" is incredibly arduous at best, and impossible at worst.

    Besides, when it comes to myself and a significant other, I can absolutely find a whole lot of other things to do than simply sit down and watch the boob tube.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. Model of inorganic phosphate
  • Model of inorganic phosphate

  • Bozorg
    Jan 20, 01:34 PM
    Does anybody know how to remove the profiles paths like in the image. Some of these shares don't exist anymore but are still listed here.

    See attached


    amorphous phosphates in urine. acids and phosphates).
  • acids and phosphates).

  • ratzzo
    Apr 24, 11:49 PM
    This comes really, really late.. and with the iP5 around the corner. In all honesty, I don't see how some paint issues could have delayed this 10 months back :confused:

    amorphous phosphates in urine. triple phosphate
  • triple phosphate

  • tsvb
    Aug 2, 11:10 AM
    Unopened brand new 4GB iPhone.

    $500 shipped. Save yourself the tax.

    long shot but if it doesn't sell by the 17th I'll take it. :)


    amorphous phosphates in urine. A large electric phosphate
  • A large electric phosphate

  • Melrose
    Dec 4, 11:29 AM
    Nothing special, only amateurish version what is depicted in next links:

    Only difference is that 3d-virtual reality program is my own.

    Thanks.. I was kind of being sardonic, though.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. Supersaturated in upwhen urine
  • Supersaturated in upwhen urine

  • fujitsu
    May 2, 02:53 AM
    Yes, I'm a self-confessed Angry Birds addict as well. Can't wait for the Angry Birds Rio update. Two more weeks before they release the update.


    amorphous phosphates in urine. the phosphate transport
  • the phosphate transport

  • BC2009
    Apr 13, 10:41 AM
    The screen may not change on the next revision. So there may be no need to change production.

    Exactly my thoughts.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. detection og HCG in urine.
  • detection og HCG in urine.

  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 21, 11:41 AM
    I got a chance to shoot a BMW Z4. I'm having a hard time editing the photos as the black just looks "crushed"? I'm not sure how to explain what I'm trying to say but I critique my photos a lot so basically I think this photo sucks but the owner thinks its good.


    What do you guys think?
    I get what you're saying. Deep, dark black, with no metallic flake in it is probably very hard to photograph well. It masks a lot of the subtle lines of the car (which a Z4 has a lot of) that would normally show with lighter, more reflective colors. I like the shot, but I do see what you are bugged with.


    amorphous phosphates in urine. IMAGE chloroquine-phosphate-
  • IMAGE chloroquine-phosphate-

  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 06:57 PM
    The 9/11 Commission found "no credible evidence" that Erwa had ever made such an offer.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. magnesium-phosphate-
  • magnesium-phosphate-

  • roadbloc
    Dec 1, 04:41 PM (
    Dunno if you noticed mate, but you have 60 unread mail.


    amorphous phosphates in urine. Figure 7 Changes in Phosphate
  • Figure 7 Changes in Phosphate

  • DiamondMac
    Apr 7, 08:44 AM
    Of course since I don't work there i don't know what all their expenses are. But you can't say just cause the iphone stayed the same price doesn't mean their expenses have gone up. You really don't understand running a business if you think cost of an item is only affected by how much that item cost the business (and that was the proof you gave to me, that the iphone hasn't gone up in price, that AT&T is solely doing this cause they can and not cause they are reflecting their own price increases).

    They have to reflect all of their costs in that price to make a profit. And no, they aren't there to be nice to you. Their prices go up, unless they have some reason to believe they'll lose more business than they will make up by price increase, your prices are going to go up. At some point, regardless of if they think they will lose business they will have to increase the price solely cause they'll lose money otherwise. IT seems you think they should only raise prices at this point. Sorry, they are there to make a profit. They will weight what giesv them the most profit. When they give you a price cut, it's not cause they are being nice. It is cause they think that price cut will drum up enough business to eventually make more profit than they would if they didn't do that price cut.

    And my point culminates in that while no, I don't have proof this isn't just cause they can (and you definitely don't have proof cause what you said totally doesn't stand up to reason at all and shows no understanding of running a business), I could easily buy that their prices have increased given that there is a lot of inflation going on (I work retail and i see it in our own prices going up at my store as well as when I buy stuff). If nothing else, they need to make more profit to make the same amount of money as a year ago (as I said, when it comes to inflation, having your wages stay the same = a decrease in pay as your wage doesn't go as far).

    Nobody is arguing that GENERALLY SPEAKING prices increase over time...or that most value in business increases over time. This line that I am arguing either is ridiculous

    I am speaking about THIS $50 increase. There is absolutely no reason for AT&T to do this other than to simply get $50 per consumer KNOWING many will break it for the next iPhone. Is it their right? Sure. Can people be miffed about it knowing that AT&T simply did it to get extra $$$? Absolutely

    This idea that AT&T is doing it because of costs....again, based on what? The general idea of costs increasing? Do you understand how absurdly general and wide that is?

    Revenue for AT&T in the 4th Q of last year was $30+ billion. Excuse me if I have trouble believing that AT&T is looking to help their costs with a $50 increase.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. as phosphate (PO43−).
  • as phosphate (PO43−).

  • mccldwll
    Apr 13, 07:33 PM
    Apple already released a new iPhone this year... remember? The one that works on a GSM network! You really think they would put all that work into rolling out the GSM iPhone 4 in February then turn around 4 months later and expect these people to buy an iPhone 5? You know how many pissed off Verizon people there would be? June 2012 at the earliest... ;)

    GSM in February??? Time for a new username.

    amorphous phosphates in urine. dihydrogen phosphate grown
  • dihydrogen phosphate grown

  • ritchey555
    Oct 19, 08:14 AM

    Apr 13, 11:05 AM
    Can you guys answer 1 question for me?

    When the next iPhone does come out how will iPhone 4 Verizon customers be able to upgrade? Do you think that Verizon and AT&T will work out an early upgrade for them?

    Or do you think people who want the iPhone on Verizon will have already waited for the 5.

    Dec 17, 06:41 PM

    Dec 22, 09:02 AM
    I also work in a large engineering consulting firm that uses only Windows XP. I have been using my mac on my own for work for the last two years or so (Please no comments about using personal machines for work. I am aware). I would love to see some others be allowed to use Macs because I think they make sense for some jobs. It would not make sense for everyone to go to Macs because we have some windows-only software requirements.

    I am interested to see what answers come. My major curiosity is how well the Macs integrate into an Active Directory domain. I don't want anyone in the company to be able to log into my personal machine, so I have not tried it yet.

    AD Integration with OSX is fine. I've used a Macbook/Macbook Pro at my last two jobs as IT Manager [currently it's an MBP] with no issues. I logon and authenticate, have access to my Home folder, shares, printers, etc. We also have another MB and an iMac within IT for Web Development, etc.; again no issues.

    As for support. Not sure what the issue is really. We get a full year of support on hardware and software, and have Applecare for beyond year 1. So limited OS support is FUD. We have 0 issues on a daily basis with OSX, and multiple issues with the XP/7 boxes. We also have another person in the dept running Linux, and they too have 0 problems. And no, it's not just because we're IT...we also have a couple of users running Windows XP/7 for support, on decent machines, and those too have issues. Not daily, but definitely more than we've had with any of the OSX and Linux boxes...

    We are lucky to be running Exchange so the need for Entourage, or Outlook 2011 is moot. We can use Mail, iCal, Address Book, etc. with 0 problems. The only one in IT having email troubles is our Linux guy; Evolution is terrible [he said it, not me]. He uses the new OWA running FF, and it's fine...

    May 4, 08:48 PM
    ^ well put.


    Apr 7, 09:10 AM
    Another patch so soon? Doesn't seem like Apple at all.